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Postdoctoral associates
Candidates with background in Cell biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics or Bioengineering are encouraged to apply. Prior experience in cytoskeleton dynamics and/or single molecule techniques is beneficial but not required. Please send a cover letter describing your research interests and your CV to Shashank Shekhar.
Staff Scientist/ Technician /
Lab manager
We have an opening for a technician/staff scientist with prior experience in protein purification and basic molecular biology techniques. The main function would be to purify commonly used lab proteins, ordering reagents and general lab management. Please email Shashank if interested.
Prospective graduate students with training in physical or biological sciences should contact Shashank Shekhar to discuss possibilities in our lab. We are members of Physics and the Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology (BCDB) graduate programs, so we welcome students with training in physical or biological sciences.
Graduate students already enrolled at Laney Graduate School at Emory should contact Shashank to discuss rotation projects.
Undergraduate positions are dependent upon your proven track record, reliability, your weekly availability and that a PhD student or postdoc in the lab is available and willing to mentor you.
Mentoring takes a substantial commitment of time and energy from the graduate student or postdoc mentor, as well as the PI. This partnership is successful ONLY when the mentee is committed to and passionate about the research they are contributing to, and putting substantial effort and energy into it. So, we request that applicants please seriously consider their personal goals and motivations before applying.
Please contact Prof. Shashank Shekhar if you are interested in contributing to our research, and meet these requirements:
Freshman or sophomore with strong academic standing in a science major.
Ample time in weekly schedule to work a minimum of 12-16 hr/week over 2 to 3 days.
Be available for at least one full working day each week for research work.
Availability to work in the lab during summers for paid and/or volunteer work
Very reliable and show a commitment to their work
Strong written and oral communication skills
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